Thursday, September 5, 2013

Introduction to Me

I'm Nathan, a 24 year old student of Secondary Education at RIC. In Spring 2011 I graduated from URI with a B.A. in English. While I was an English Major, I had a double minor of Business and History because I did not quite know what I wanted to do with my life. Having always worked at summer camps, after graduation I began working at one of my favorite organizations, the Boys and Girls Club of Pawtucket. There I was mentoring and supervising children in my home city of Pawtucket. Working with both pre-teens and teens, I realized that I wanted to be a teacher and applied to RIC. Last school year I was promoted to the position of 5-8 year old supervisor which was quite enjoyable, and this school year, I have the position title of pre-teen education coordinator. I also help out with the teens and drive one of the Boys and Girls Clubs school buses every morning. This is my third semester at RIC and I am excited for all of the experiences to come. The reason that I want to become a teacher is so I can spread knowledge, promote higher thinking, empower younger generations, and show students that learning is not a boring monotonous thing.


  1. It is great to meet you. I really look forward to getting to know you as we embark on this innovation lab project.

  2. Lovely picture Nate and an equally lovely introduction.
